Sunday, October 5, 2008


I have not heard much from the Mukinge Mission lately. I trust that they are busy just "living life" in the beautiful North West Province of Zambia.

Elissa wrote to me this evening to report that they are all doing very well. "I’m just so happy to have them here! I told them today that I love living with them…that they are very easy to live with and that I’m having so much fun with them. This is a special time for all of us. They are a blessing to everyone here."

That makes me feel good. Especially since I am really starting to miss them deeply, and would love for them to be here with me. :-) It helps to hear that they are bringing so much joy to the Tompkins family and the mission community. It sounds as though they are really stepping up to plate and filling a niche there.

They have also stumbled across a piano and a now they will never come home. I hope they don't find a cello. :-)


Part of an email from Jamie:
"The internet hasn't been working for the last couple of days. Even now it's hardly working. It's taking about 2 minutes just to load a page, very frustrating!

Not a whole lot going on here. Corey borrowed a guitar from one of the missionaries and I found a piano to play, so we're both excited about that.

Love you! Miss you all!!!
I had a dream that I was home.


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